Friday, January 3, 2014

The Imfamous Book Hangover

According the a book hangover is defined as:
 A book hangover is that feeling that you get once you finish reading a great book. A book that has lead you through an emotional roller coaster ride or, has challenged you or the way you think. The next 24 hours after this amazing experience you are obsessive wondering why did these characters have to say that or make those decisions. 

Any bookgeek, bookworm, or avid read for that matter knows exactly what that feels like! You turn the last page of the story close the book and want to scream. It a scream to express the utter frustration of not having morning time with the characters. The book hangover usual comes to people who are deeply involved in the life of the characters they are reading about.

I have to say a book hangover maybe one of my greatest weaknesses! I am constantly identifying with the characters I read about. This is one of my greatest admiration's of authors, how they can pull me in, make me laugh, cry, judge, even defend people in books. I remember reading a book at the same time as a fellow book junkie, we totally saw the main character in two different ways and I actually got defensive about it! It made me realize how true this quote is, "No two persons ever read the same book" Edmund Wilson. But I digress....

Where was I... oh right... the book hangover. I swear this is the hardest part of reading for me. To know that its over, to know that these friends are just gone... no more story. I know thats what suppose to happen but its not always the easist thing to deal with! You start to get really invested in people and they are just gone :( This is why I prefer series books I guess... more pages to get through before you have to experence the hangover.

So how do I get over it? I guess I dont. I try to by pass the hang over by quickly picking up the next book and start diving myself into the next world. Does it work? Yes and no... I mean I still long for my old friends and I remember I can revisit them. However, I do still get that remorseful feeling once a book has ended. 

Do you have a way to get over book hangovers?? Please do tell....